- Sally Swatland vol.2
- 그림모음
- 2008. 9. 12. 01:08

A Day at the Beach, Nantucket

A Good Day for a Sail

A Good Day for a Sail

A May Morning

A Walk by the Sea

Afternoon Sun

Afternoon Sun

Along Plum Island

Along the Connecticut Shore

Along the Connecticut Shore

Beach Combers

Best Friends

By the Sea

By the Sea

Castle Builders, Todd's Poin

Castle Building

Collecting Minnows

Conversation by the Tidal Pool

Conversation by the Tidal Pool

Day at the Beach

Early Afternoon at Todd's Point

Early July

Early June

Early Morning on the Island

Early Summer Day

Early Summer Day

High Tide

Incoming Tide

Inlet on Long Island Sound

Inlet on Long Island Sound

Island Sandpipers

June on the Barrier Islands

June on the Barrier Islands

Looking Out to Sea

Looking Towards Catalina

Low Tide at Greenwich Point

Low Tide at Greenwich Point

Low Tide Reflections

Minnow Collectors

New England Summer

Newport Surf

Ocean Point

Ocean Point

On the Bluff
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